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更多 发布于:2011-08-02 20:42


I will now show you how to create a new quest, we will make it pretty standard, but you can edit so much as you want it too.我现在告诉你如何创建一个新的任务,我们将使它非常标准的,但你可以编辑了这么多,你想要它。
I do give support for those that can't 100% follow this guide, but im not giving support for people that have other problem's.我给那些不能100%按照本指南的支持,但林不给其他人有问题的支持。

This guide seems to be long, but its not , because the most steps you can either skip or you do them within a second.本指南似乎很长,但它不是 ,因为最步骤可以跳过或你在一秒钟内他们。Its verrry easy to do and I explained every little detail, so you shouldn't have any problems.其verrry容易做,我解释每个小细节,所以你不应该有任何问题。

Lets get started.让我们开始吧。
Open up your wich is located in your Server File's Resource folder.打开你的propQuest.inc这是你的服务器文件的资源文件夹中。In there are all the quests.在有所有的任务。Lets take a example, we will take the quest you get at level 5 from the NPC Losha, to find the quest:让我们一个例子,我们将采取追求你的水平从全国Losha 5送,找到任务:
Press CTRL+F and search for按CTRL + F和搜索

QUEST_NEWPETYORN QUEST_NEWPETYORNThen you will copy that whole quest into a new notepad file.然后,你将拷贝到一个新的记事本文件全部任务。The quest begins at QUEST_NEWPETORN and ends with "}".在追求始于QUEST_NEWPETORN和“}”结尾。
So this is what we will have in a clean notepad file:原来这就是我们将在一个干净的记事本文件:
QUEST_NEWPETYORN { SetTitle ( IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327 ); setting - Pastebin.comQUEST_NEWPETYORN {SetTitle(IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327);设置-

Lets start making our own quest.让我们开始制作我们自己的追求。
Change QUEST_NEWPETYORN to QUEST_YOURNAME .更改QUEST_NEWPETYORN到QUEST_YOURNAME。This will be the code name of your quest.这将是你的任务的代号。Next you will see SetTitle.接下来,您会看到SetTitle。I will come to those IDS_PROPQUEST things in a minute.我会在一分钟的IDS_PROPQUEST东西。Lets continue at the following:让我们继续在以下几点:

SetCharacter( "MaFl_Loyah" ); SetCharacter(“MaFl_Loyah”);This is the NPC that will give you the quest when you are the required level.这是全国人民代表大会,这将使你的任务时,你所要求的水平。You can change that to any NPC you want.您可以更改为你想要的任何NPC。
Next is the SetEndCondCharacter tab.接下来是SetEndCondCharacter标签。This is the quest that you will return to when you are ready to complete the quest.这是任务,你将返回到当您准备完成任务。Behind the name of the NPC, will be a vew numbers.落后于全国人民代表大会的名称,将是一个VEW号码。Those are the coordinates of where the NPC is.这些都是在中国全国人大的坐标。You can change this to where-ever you want, I will not explain this any further tho.你可以改变这其中的一次你想要的,我不会解释任何进一步的芹苴。

The following important tab is:下面的重要标签是:

SetBeginCondLevel( 5, 15 ); SetBeginCondLevel(5,15);The first number, "5", is the level you can accept the quest at.第一个数字“5”,是可以接受的水平时的追求。The second number, "15", is the maximum level you can accept the quest at.第二个数字“15”,是最高级别,可以在接受任务。You can change those to whatever you want.你可以改变那些为任何你想要的。

The next important thing is this code:接下来的重要事情是这样的代码:
[/CODE]SetBeginCondJob( JOB_VAGRANT );[/CODE] [/ CODE] SetBeginCondJob(JOB_VAGRANT); [/ CODE]
This is the required job you need to be to accept the quest.这是必要的工作,你必须要接受任务。To get other job names, just CTRL+F for example Elementor, wich is JOB_ELEMENTOR.为了让其他作业名称,只是CTRL + F例如Elementor,这是JOB_ELEMENTOR。

The next things is:接下来的事情是:

SetEndCondItem( -1, 0, -1, II_SYS_SYS_QUE_YORN, 1, 7068, 4125, QUEST_DESTINATION_ID_0000 SetEndCondItem(-1,0,-1,II_SYS_SYS_QUE_YORN,1,7068,4125,QUEST_DESTINATION_ID_0000This is pretty self-explaining.这是相当自我解释。the II_SYS_SYS_QUE_YORN is the item that you will need to farm in order to complete the quest.在II_SYS_SYS_QUE_YORN是你的项目需要农场才能完成的任务。the "1" after II_SYS is the amount of, in this case, Yorn's you need to get. “1”后II_SYS是金额在这种情况下,Yorn的需要得到的。After that you have 7068 and 4125, wich again, are the coordinates on your map.之后,你有7068和4125,再次,是地图上的坐标。The numbers before II_SYS I did not test yet, but you can play around with that too.前II_SYS的数字我没有测试,但你可以玩,大约过。

After changing this, we will change the name ingame-name of the quest and what the NPC says about the quest.在改变,我们将改变游戏内的任务名称,姓名以及全国人大关于追求说。For this, keep open and also open propQuest.txt.txt.对于这一点,保持propQuest.inc开放,也开放propQuest.txt.txt。
As you saw on the top of the quest, is this:当你对追求顶级看到的,是这样的:

IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327 IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327This is the title of the quest.这是该任务的标题。Scroll down allllll the way till the bottom of the propQuest.txt.txt file.向下滚动allllll及至的propQuest.txt.txt文件底部的方法。Create a new line and put in it:创建一个新行,并把它:

IDS_TEST_INC_000001 YourName IDS_TEST_INC_000001 YOURNAMEChange YourName to your desired Quest Name.更改YOURNAME到您想要的任务名称。Now in the, replace IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327 to IDS_TEST_INC_000001现在在,更换IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001327到IDS_TEST_INC_000001

Next we will change what the NPC actually SAYS.下一步,我们将改变全国人大实际上说。
It is very similar to changing the quest name.这是非常相似,改变任务的名称。You can see IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001328 at SetDialog.你可以看到SetDialog IDS_PROPQUEST_INC_001328。This is the first thing the NPC says when you click on the quest.这是全国第一件事情说:当你点击的追求。So again see propQuest.txt.txt, scroll down all the way to the bottom, create a new line, and just do the EXACT same as for the Quest Name, but change 000001 to 000002.所以,再一次看到propQuest.txt.txt,向下滚动一路至底部,创建一个新的路线,只是与为任务名称完全相同的,但变化000001到000002。Replace 001328 with 000002 and you are done with that.替换为000002 001328,你与该工作。

There are 5 things he will say till you can accept or decline the quest, QSAY_BEGIN1 till QSAY_BEGIN5.有5个东西,他会说,直到你可以接受或拒绝,直到QSAY_BEGIN5的追求,QSAY_BEGIN1。After that there is QSAY_BEGIN_YES and QSAY_BEGIN_NO.在这之后有QSAY_BEGIN_YES和QSAY_BEGIN_NO。Those are the things he will say if you either accept or decline the quest.这些都是事他会说,如果你可以接受或拒绝的追求。

Next there is QSAY_END_COMPLETE1 and QSAY_END_FAILURE1.接下来有QSAY_END_COMPLETE1和QSAY_END_FAILURE1。This is what the NPC says when you are ready to complete the quest or when you are not.这是全国人民代表大会说,当您准备完成任务,或当你不是。

Final there is State 0 and State 14.最后有状态0和状态14。State 0 seems to be the thing he says when you finished the quest ans State 14 is just empty.状态0似乎是事,他说,当你完成了任务ANS状态14就是空的。

When you are done editing everything, make a blank line beneath between the end of QUEST_NEWPETYORN and the beginning of QUEST_PUMPKINCHILD.当您完成编辑的一切,使下方之间的QUEST_NEWPETYORN结束和QUEST_PUMPKINCHILD开始一个空行。Save the two files.保存这两个文件。Now use RESEditor to replace the two files inside DataSub1.res.现在使用RESEditor取代内部DataSub1.res这两个文件。

Credits go to me for creating this guide and finding it out on my own I guess..积分到我创建本指南和发现我自己出来我猜..

Any questions?有问题吗?Post them here.他们在这里发表。
Dont forget to like!别忘了就好!
